Juli's Quilts 'N Stuff
Monday, June 16, 2008
It sure has been a while!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Block Lottery: String Blocks
Monday, December 31, 2007
What's Been Going on Lately?!?

The quilt pictured above is called "Bunny Hop". It was a gift for a co-worker in celebration of their new bundle of joy.
The quilt pictured above is "Helen's Hug." These blocks were put together by a group of fine and caring individuals from RCTQ. I made a call for Hug blocks for my MIL, and these people stepped up to the plate and sent in blocks. As a result of everybody's hard work, Helen received her much needed Hug.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Talk about out of date!
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Another Try.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Boy, Did I get behind….
Geez, I can't believe I haven't posted here since mid-March. I apologize for that one. Let's see…what have I been doing? Ah, yes. Anatomy and Physiology I and Statistics…lol…those take up a bunch of my time.
I have been spending quite a lot of time dyeing fabric though. The other weekend I dyed to the tune of 56 yards of fabric! I know, sounds like a lot. But it was fun and I think I have another UFO in mind for it. I've also been working on this year's Hoffman Challenge quilt. I can't post pictures of that yet, so you'll have to be patient. J